Our grass seed products go through a comprehensive seed quality process to maintain our extremely high seed viability standards. All ingredient seed lots are tested in a seed laboratory to establish purity and viability specifications prior to blending, and file samples of all mixtures are retained. There is a common misconception about grass seed and weed seeds. Primarily weeds in a newly renovated area come from several sources:
1. Weeds seeds can remain viable in the soil for many years, some for as long as 20 years. Once any existing plant life dies off, and the soil is exposed to the elements, or when you prepare the soil and bring buried seeds closer to the surface, they quickly begin to germinate.
2. Weed plants from local common areas will produce thousands of seeds in a season, which once released will easily be blown in. In a freshly tilled soil, they quickly begin to germinate, actually much quicker than grass seed germinates. It is much easier for weed seeds to find a footing in freshly tilled soil, than in an area that has not been renovated, thus giving the appearance that they came in a grass seed.
3. Most top soil comes from fields that have remained empty for years awaiting cultivation, or construction. This type of soil is usually very rich in nutrients, but it will contain all types of seeds – some that have been buried for years. This is why your lawn may be growing plants that are more prevalent on a farm, or rural area, than in an urban area.