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How to make a winter garden snowy wreath

Here’s an easy idea for creating your own one-of-a-kind Christmas wreath. Customize it by adding items that delight you into the mix. 

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Prep wreath

Lay wreath on flat surface and gently separate and open up the pine sprigs to look natural and full. Insert batteries in the battery pack. 


Place snowy fern sprays

Shape picks and sprays to look more natural. Place snowy fern sprays evenly around the curve of the wreath and wrap the sprigs around the sprays to secure in place. If necessary, wire sprays into position. 


Add glitter laurel sprays

Starting in the centre at the bottom of the wreath (6 o’clock position), layer glitter laurel sprays along the left arc so that the foliage reaches to the centre at the top (12 o’clock). Tuck and weave with fern sprays from Step 2 and wreath sprigs, then wire in place. 


Layer in mistletoe spray

Layer in the mistletoe spray at about the mid-point of laurel (9 o’clock). Tuck in and wire into place. 


Attach feather ornaments

Trim hanging loops from the hard feather ornaments. Place all three ornaments near the bottom of the wreath (6 o’clock). When you are happy with their placement, glue in place. Note: Hold firmly in place for at least a minute for the glue to set. 


Attach mercury ornaments

Add the mercury ornaments fanning out from the centre. Glue in place. Note: Hold firmly in place for at least a minute for the glue to set. 


Attach bird ornaments

Trim hanging loops from bird ornaments and nestle them into position near base of the wreath. Glue in place to secure. Note: Hold firmly in place for at least a minute for the glue to set. 


Fill in with small silver sprays

Use small silver sprays to fill in around the birds and ornaments. Tuck, glue or wire into place to secure. Note: Hold firmly in place for at least a minute for the glue to set. 


Hang when dry

When glue has dried and ornaments are secure, hang the wreath in a place for everyone to enjoy throughout the holidays!