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How to Revive Plastic Trim

Plastic trim around the edges of all cars takes a beating- let's touch it up

Revive Plastic Trim-1280x522-topbanner Revive Plastic Trim-1280x522-topbanner


Find a nice shaded area (or use a garage)

This will reduce the amount of dust/dirt in the air.


Make sure it's not too hot outside

If the plastic is hot to the touch- it's too hot.


Clean the surface of the trim using a multi-purpose cleaner and rag

This will get rid of any dirt/oil.


Apply trim restorer

Spray trim restorer onto area, wait five minutes and wipe it off with a sponge. 


Apply trim restorer

Spray trim restorer onto area, wait five minutes and wipe it off with a sponge. 


Apply trim restorer

Spray trim restorer onto area, wait five minutes and wipe it off with a sponge. 


Apply trim restorer

Spray trim restorer onto area, wait five minutes and wipe it off with a sponge. 


Apply trim restorer

Spray trim restorer onto area, wait five minutes and wipe it off with a sponge. 


Apply trim restorer

Spray trim restorer onto area, wait five minutes and wipe it off with a sponge. 


Apply trim restorer

Spray trim restorer onto area, wait five minutes and wipe it off with a sponge.